
2022年7月11日—Enterthepasswordofthedefaultaccountadmin.YouarenowsignedintoDSM/SRMwithrootprivilegeviaSSH.Signinfromearlierversions ...,Ifyouneedtogettherootpermission,pleaselogintoyourDSMUCinthecommandlineinterface(e.g.,PuTTY)withanyaccountcredentialsbelongingtothe ...,2021年1月19日—BelowisanexampleofthestepstogetrootaccessviaSSH:GotoDSMUC>ControlPanel>Terminal&SNMP>Terminal,andti...

How can I sign in to DSMSRM with root privilege via SSH?

2022年7月11日 — Enter the password of the default account admin. You are now signed in to DSM/SRM with root privilege via SSH. Sign in from earlier versions ...

How to login to DSM UC with root permission via SSH ...

If you need to get the root permission, please log in to your DSM UC in the command line interface (e.g., PuTTY) with any account credentials belonging to the ...

How to login to DSM UC with root permission via SSHTelnet?

2021年1月19日 — Below is an example of the steps to get root access via SSH: Go to DSM UC > Control Panel > Terminal & SNMP > Terminal, and tick Enable SSH ...

Synology DSM

2016年3月27日 — I have many things broken and a huge problem to resolve them since I can't login as root anymore. ssh admin: login success; su root: permission ...

如何透過SSH Telnet 以root 權限登入DSM UC?

2021年2月5日 — log in as: admin:「Admin」帳號屬於伺服器「」的Local Administrators 群組。 [email protected]'s ...

如何透過SSH 以root 權限登入DSM SRM?

2022年7月11日 — Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文件。


